Old School New Body – Steve & Becky Holman

Are you really trying hard to achieve your weight loss goals and want to keep yourself really fit as you grow older? Are a lack of sufficient time, dedication and prior engagement stopping you from unlocking the optimum potential of your body? Is your super hectic daily schedule keeping you away from taking proper care of yourself and maintaining a healthy lifestyle? If each of your answer is Yes, you are not alone here, rather million of people experience this particular situation as they grow older and lose the vibrancy of life. 

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Most people have accepted the fact that as they grow older, their body will be starting to give up and become weaker with time. This particular belief is what leads them to stay away from doing regular workouts and maintaining a healthy diet that help in fighting against the signs of aging. Always remember one thing that the people who are above the age forty, there are many changes that body undergoes and making it more difficult to get closer to fitness. 

Know What To Expect From Old School New Body Program: 

The smart brains behind the Old School New Body program recognized the challenges of time shortage for doing regular workouts and maintaining a healthy diet and have found the best solution for you. 

This program promises to deliver a prominent result without investing much time from your part. If you properly follow the guidelines, principals and lifestyle changes instructed in this program, you will be able to see maximum results within a very shorter span of time. The smart program-Old School New Body promises to help you achieve a slim body that you have always desired but have always been out of reach for you. 

Now, there are three vital questions that might have come to your mind-

Does this program really deliver its promises?

What are the core principals, lifestyle changes and recommendations this program entails? 

In this article we have tried our level best to evaluate this program in an unbiased and in-depth manner. So, before you decide to buy this program, you should know about both the advantages and disadvantages of this program. 

Old School New Body- A Legitimate Review

In a simplest form, the workout of this program can be defined as a type of resistance workout with low to moderate weights and high fatigue setting. These workout plans are combined with highly effective nutritional tips. When it comes to building lean muscles, burning fat and strengthening the joint, this program could be a great help. This high resistance hormone also increases the production of growth hormone in the body along with slowing down your aging process to help you reshape your body. 

The workout routines of this program is based on the instructions given by the old school star-trainer Vince Gironda. 

The methods used by Vince have been mixed with some old principals and combined into something called F4X protocols. 

This F4X protocol and system makes use of low to moderate weights for giving less stress to joints and higher muscle fatigue for increased intensity. This particular system of workout works excellent for the people over 40 to build and maintain healthier joints and stronger muscles. 

What do F4X Workouts Contain? 

The Focus 4 Exercise system is pretty straightforward. This program comes with three different workout routines that are customized to achieve three workout goals for you. Each of these three customized workouts includes 4 core workouts. These core exercises are –

Inclined presses 


Upright row

Bent over row

Old School New Body program has included this exercises and they work highly effective when combined. The unique thing about F4X system is that it doesn’t want you to experiment with any kind of fancy of out of the box exercises and this is where exactly the “old school” approach comes into the picture. These simple exercises focuses on the body’s major muscle groups. Each workout routine lasts for maximum 60 minutes. 

1.      First routine: The Old School New Body Lean Workout

This particular workout routine starts out with a slow pace. It’s perfect for the newbies in the field of fitness. This workout plan is designed in a way so that you can eliminate maximum excess fat and at the same time, build lean muscles. This first part of the Old School New Body program is known as “20 Minute Fat Blow Torch”. This particular workout routine should be done thrice a week for 30 minutes. The total time for this workout routine should not be more than 90 minutes a week for shaping and sculpting up you body. 

2.      Second Routine: The Old School New Body F4X Shape Workout

Once you are done with the first workout routine, you should start with this second routine. This routine is called “Shape”. The exercises coming under this particular routine are lengthier and more intense than the first workout routine. 

3.      Third Routine: The Old School New Body F4X Build Workout: 

This particular workout routine of this program is the most intense and created as a full range plan for body building. People who prefer to have leaner muscle mass may not prefer this program but it is perfect for the those who want to build muscle mass. 

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The Old School New Body Diet Plan: 

The diet and nutrition section of this program is elementary and straightforward. You just need to consume protein rich meal and snacks along the course of the day. Unlike most of the weight loss programs available online, Old School New Body program doesn’t tell you to restrict your calorie intake to the unhealthy point. You can have five to six meals in a day but make sure your meals contain more protein and very less amount of carbohydrates.

  1. Things That Come With Old School New Body Program: 

The Old School New Body PDF

The F4X Quick-Workout Start Guide

The Ultimate Fat-Burning Secret

The Ultimate Muscle-Building Secret

The Ultimate Sex and Anti-Aging Secret

The Ultimate Happiness and Health Secret

The Pros Of Old School New body: 

Perfect Value For Money: 

Unlike most of the programs available online, this program is available at a much cheaper price of $20 only. In just $20, you can have many add-ons apart from the original program.

Excellent Illustration: 

If you are new to the weight loss and body building regime, the illustrative guide of this program could be a great help for you to know the right posture and form. 

In-Depth Information: 

When it comes to following a weight loss and diet routine, there are different schools of thoughts. It’s really hard to find a place where you can get all the in-depth information and this is exactly where this program shrines. It gives you a very in depth information about weight loss and diet. 

Not Time Consuming: 

All the workouts explained in this program can be performed within an hour. The pace of the workouts depends on you. 

Versality: Versality is another plus of this program as it is equipped with the workouts for everyone. Whether  you are young or aged, this program covers workouts for both. 

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