Eformula Details and Exclusive Bonus

If you have ever heard of Steve Clayton or Aidan, you will know they release products at least once a year that tend to do very well in terms of amount of the sales the products have, some of the products they have launched in the past include products such as 7 figure cycle, 100k factory series, Kibo Code, Kibo Eclipse and more. EFormula is their latest launch and is poised to do very well, a lot of things have already been said about it though.

Click Here Now To Get Eformula

Some things to know about this product

  • It is only going to be available for a very short time (officially from January 23 to February 1 2024). 
  • It is a high ticket product that will cost you several thousands but that has enough matching value. 
  • You can get a very exclusive bonus if you buy using any of the links on this website. 
  • There are a lot of launch day webinars where you can get more information on this product. There is a prelaunch as well where you get a lot of free quality content and more information on the product.  
  • And more 

Notes on this product 

Kibo Eclipse was released and was a commercial success with a lot of sales like the other products, it did very well and showed people how to make money using ecommerce which is one of the reasons they have decided to do this again but with a twist. Given that they have had years now to see how the initial versions went, this one should be a better version and should do much better. 

Exclusive Bonus (potential value to you = $5,000 +)

  • Get access to my unique list of books/links on lotteries and another source of income that you can use to make money from home while being your own boss and living the internet marketing/work from home dream. You can add this 2 sources (1 of which is lottery) to what you currently have and become an income machine. 
  • Also you will receive products such as ones on getting traffic from places such as YouTube and Facebook. 
  • All you have to do is buy using my link below/above and email confirmation to help @helpfulanalysis.ca (remove the space between help and @, it is to avoid spam software). Please allow 2 – 3 business days to receive a response. 

Click Here Now To Get EFormula

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P.S: I might receive compensation from product owners if you click any link on this website and buy a product.

Project Platinum by Robby Blanchard – New in 2023

If you have ever tried to buy a product on how to make money, you will how difficult it can sometimes be especially if you are newer to internet marketing. Some very good questions can be asked such as which one is the best, does the product creator actually make money with what they are selling, how much would I have to spend on the product and more. Project Platinum is a product by Robby that will show a lot about using Clickbank and Facebook to make money, a lot of things have been said about them and this product but here is a brief look at what to expect from it. 

Click Here Now To Get Project Platinum

Some things to know about this product

  • It goes into very good detail as to what you can expect from it so you know exactly what you are getting, at what price and what you would need to do next.
  • They have different payment plans you can use to acquire the product which should make it easier for you to afford it.
  • This is also an online product which might not work for everyone as some people would prefer to learn using a different format. A lot of people have used this product though so don’t let this stop you.  
  • The author has made a lot of money using this product (several million for that matter) and this product is heavily recommended by Clickbank as well as Vendors Robby has done well for.
  • And more

Click Here Now To Get Project Platinum

Rating: Excellent – This product initially started in 2019 and has been used by thousands of people already. For the price and the amount of money you can make from this, this is a really great value product. It has been updated recently and you get access to groups, emails and coaching that you can use for a very long time and to make a lot of money going forward.

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P.S: I might receive compensation from product owners if you click any link on this website and buy a product.

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Bikini Body Workouts

Strength training will be effective in burning of more fat and also build muscles at the same time. This results in an even-toned body. It is also going to be helpful in getting rid of stretch marks as well as excess skin following your loss of body weight and reduced size.

Nevertheless, you are required to ensure that the routine of strength training you are doing has been designed for you as a woman. If you had no idea, majority of the available workouts and diets are not designed for you, but are for men.

A lot of difference are there between a man and a woman. The system of our bodies are different. As such, the exercising and dieting that is required of you is different from that of a man.

The whole process of selection of the correct workout routine for you as a woman can be very tricky. In that regard, I will go ahead and review a workout program by Jen Ferruggia. A program that enabled me lose above 50 pounds and attain a bikini body…all in just 6 months!

About Bikini Body Workouts by Jen Ferruggia

The intention of this workout plan by Jen Ferruggia is providing you with a long term solution…a solution to getting and maintaining that great feminine and sexy body. The sort that would be awesome to look at on any beach setting.

When you make a comparison to other related programs that revolve around the idea of bikini body, you are going to discover that this one here is better. This is in terms of the knowledge that the author has, real life reviews, her personal results, not to mention the affordability of it.

With the plan being concerned with the general physique, also there is a particular section whose dedication is to glutes, the ‘Booty Blat’.

Clear and concise instructions are used in the writing of the program. This makes it easy to follow along and give it a simple layout.

The time frame on what it is designed is 90 day long with workouts being performed 4 days per week. The duration that is taken by each exercise does not exceed 45 minutes which adds up to a total of 3 hours in a week.

Flexibility of the workout plans is another thing that is ensured giving full choices to women with busy schedules. There is no need for you to join the gym not unless you are really interested in being there.

A particular guide for home workout is available if you are a person who is not able or does not like to work out in a public gym.

Additionally, another guide is also available for workouts done at the gym. As such, whether your workout is at your home or at the gym, achieving of your goals is possible using free weights or gym machines, home gyms or minimal equipment.

The Author; Jen Ferruggia

Jen Ferruggia has a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Movement and formerly was a softball player.

During the time of her college studies she had opportunities to party and the ability to add on 15 lb. At the same time, she gained the knowledge required.

This temporary setback spurred the resolve that she had of getting back in shape permanently and in the quickest time possible.

The reason behind her realization that overall poor lifestyle was the major culprit in being unfit and gaining weight was college life. With foundations like nutrition and workouts, obtaining healthy lifestyle and a body that is fit permanently is possible.

Following her graduation, she spent the years perfecting the knowledge she had in real life, both in her clients’ and her body. The results are the blueprint which Bikini Body Workouts contain.

From the name of the program, we get that the pillar foundations of this program are workouts. Nevertheless, lifestyle together will meal planning are equally essential.

The strictness when following the program is however moderated. It has been designed in a way that is fun. Imagine being allowed a variety of your favorite foods!

Bikini Body Workouts Components

A number of sections that are in the digital format, videos or PDF manuals make up this plan. These you are going to have the access to following your purchase via a download link.

The components are;

Workout Gym Guide

Nutrition Guide

Supplement List

Workout Home Guide

Shopping List

Online Exercise Videos

21 Day Booty Blat

Final Verdict

The designing of Bikini Body Workouts plan is by a woman for you as a woman. It is effective in that it caters for all your interest and ensures your bikini body objective are realized.

Aweber Communications Review

Aweber is one of most popular email marketing software providers out there at this moment. This email marketing software does not only offer over 150 email templates but it also allows you to decide when where and how the emails will be sent. 

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Aweber offers you everything that you need for creating a successful email campaign. This software has a very easy to use interface and an excellent support system that allows you to design and maintain the entire campaign without experiencing any sort of difficulties. 

The cheapest email marketing plan offered by Aweber costs only $19 per month. If you are planning to use Aweber for managing your email marketing campaigns, you must try the 30 days of free plan before paying the subscription fee. In this free subscription, you can access all the tools for creating email marketing. 

Aweber- Know About It: 

Aweber is a Pennsylvania based company and has been in the email marketing business since it was created by Tom Kulzer in 1998. This company is really well known for its excellent auto-responder, best in class performance and wide range of features that make emailing affair between businesses and clients a cake walk. 

Aweber is used by more than 1200,000 professionals and bloggers and the overall number of users is increasing day by day. From time saving automated replies to new age deliverability, Aweber helps businesses grow at a rapid pace by using the platform of email marketing. 

Email Marketing For Small Business: 

Regardless the type and size, almost every business prefer to build a personal connection with their customers. The reason behind developing such connection is that it helps to build the loyalty with your customers. You can always keep your prospective customers informed about latest company deals, offers, and other news as events unfold. 

Furthermore, by building personal connection with your customers, you will be able to get direct feedback about your business so that you can improve your business based on all these feedbacks. 

Email marketing is the best way to establishing and maintaining the connection with the customers-both the existing and prospective ones. Different marketing researches and studies have already shown that email marketing always generates higher Return Of Investment (ROI) than any other marketing avenues. 

Unfortunately, sending emails to all of your customers manually can be a extensively time consuming and tiring affair for you and this is exactly where autoresponder like Aweber steps in the real picture. 

The Features Offered By Aweber: 

No wonder Aweber is one of the most popular email marketing software with best in class autoresponder capability. It helps businesses to create highly effective email marketing campaigns that boost engagement, loyalty and overall sales. Aweber not only offers 150 fully customizable templates but it also gives you the freedom to decide how, when and where you want the emails to be sent. 

Overview Of Top Features Of Aweber: 

Some of the excellent features offered by Aweber are-

Lots of integrations so that you can make your favorite tools even easier than ever. 

API for third party apps. 

Excellent customer service via phone, chat and email.

Easy to use drag and drop feature. 

More than 100 customizable templates

Robust auto-responder

Ability to tag emails so that you can create triggers 

Trackable and easy to use analytics so that you can know the performance 

Best in class deliverability rate. 

Autoresponder Option Offered By Aweber: 

One of the best features of Awerber is its ability to send automatic emails. 

You can create a sequence of emails, time it to be delivered at a specific interval and gets automatically sent to the visitors of the website visitors so that they can take specific actions like-

Downloading a free ebook, research paper or white paper 

Registering for a webinar 

Signing up for email newsletter 

Purchasing a product 

It also allows you to create and send automatic emails for all of your customers whenever there’s a special offer, change or new product in your company. Aweber helps you engage with your customers by sending them personalized, timely and targeted emails that always keeps your business in their mind. 

Do More Things With Sales and Marketing Conversions: 

Another great thing about using Aweber is that it allows you to integrate your email marketing account with different aspects of your business. 

Aweber gives you a huge number of integration options- ranging from using simple call to action tactics like posting emails subscription form in the website, social media options for your business to integrating your account with online payment gateways like Paypal and may more. 

Click Here Now To Get Aweber

Some of the very popular integration features offered by Aweber are-




GoTo Webinar







Trial Offer- Try Aweber Before Purchase It

Are you still not sure whether it is a right tool for you or not? No worries, you can have the entire firsthand experience with the free trial offered by Aweber. The free trial version of Aweber allows you to have up to 500 emails subscribers and you can send unlimited emails. It’s a perfect non-commitment package as Aweber allows you to cancel the free trial if it doesn’t meet your email marketing goal. 

Excellent Templates and Forms Offered By Aweber: 

Are you completely new to the world of email marketing? No worries about it since Aweber provides you more than 150 free of cost templates to create outstanding emails. You can also build up your email database with more than 700 forms. 

The Pros of Aweber: 


Allows you to review emails before sending emails 

Allows you to create and edit company newsletter

Every package comes with a Call Loop feature which collects the phone numbers of the users and enables you to send SMS or Voicemails. 


Doesn’t allow you to import contact list from other providers.

when it comes to giving a solid boost to your business with a rock solid digital marketing approach, nothing could show you a better rate of conversion than email marketing and Aweber makes your email marketing journey a very easy and highly successful one. 

Click Here Now To Get Aweber

Thanks for reading 

P.S: I might receive compensation from product owners if you click any link on this website and buy a product.

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Backyard Revolution

Can you really deny the fact that living this world is a big challenge for the humankind and other creatures? Do you really know what is going to protect us and what is going to destroy us? The answer is NO. Always remember one thing that every single thing in this world is essential if you know how to use it properly. This is exactly where modern technology and new innovations come into the action as they can make you feel incredible with its fun and advantages. 

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All of these come under the processes of governmental bodies and compulsions of different large-scaled business organizations. The truth is that they are doing robbery from normal people like us. You can specifically notice this particular action when people are stuck in any kind of catastrophe, natural disasters, and different other collisions. 

Have you ever realized that people from many countries struggled a lot to survive without power supply, especially when they get stuck in natural disasters like tsunami, heavy storms, tsunami, etc? No wonder energy is essential to every kind of regular activity, be it household things or communication purposes. Unfortunately, the government and other corporations may not support you and, they might force you to pay more money for electricity bills. The ever-growing electricity bills have become a serious problem for almost everyone. 

Are you looking for a smart way to cut down your electricity bills and save some serious amount of hard-earned money? If yes, you must read this review. How about making a device at your home which can efficiently slash your monthly electricity bills? Well, it may sound a very critical job but, the actual truth is that it is not a difficult job at all. The creator Zack Benett created an ebook called “Backyard Revolution” where he has provided the proper guidance to know how to build a power generating device at your home which can cut down your monthly electricity bills in a significant manner. 

Now, it’s time to know what Backyard Revolution Is-

Backyard Revolution is a simple but revolutionary program to build a full-fledged power generating device at your home. It’s definitely an advanced step for modern technology. The best part of device is that it comes with a simplistic yet stunning design that looks excellent. The performance of this device is top notched. 

This program requires you to buy some elementary materials from your local electrical shop and these materials come with very cheap price tags. This device can produce a sufficient amount of energy to light up the entire house at any given point of time. 

Another great point of this device is that it allows you to store energy which can use in any adverse situation. With this handmade electrical power-producing device you can keep your entire family secured from any worst conditions.

By using this device you can stay away from giving a hefty amount of electric consumption bill to the electric board or corporations. No matter whether it’s a power outage or home invasions, you can easily get a continuous supply of electricity from this device. You will never get to worry about the power failure issues and late reaction of the electrical board to fix the electric issues. 

Click Here Now To Get Backyard Revolution

How does this device work? 

When it comes to solving the off-grid issues, Zack’s Backyard Revolution could be an excellent program to generate own power by making the smart use of solar panels. 

This program ensures that you won’t have to purchase any sort of expensive materials. All you need to do is follow the step by step instructions, build the power generating device at your backyard and make use of it almost instantly. 

The entire idea is taken from the MIT study, but the creator included some intelligent customization options so that users can get the maximum result from this device. 

The zig-zag pattern of solar panels makes the entire construction process very easy. You can get the utmost exposure of this device and experience the real purpose of this device on a regular basis. 

The entire process of building the power sourcing device is so easy to build that anyone can build this device without having any special knowledge of electrical engineering. 

It comes with A to Z blueprint and the list of materials to produce your own cheap electricity directly from the sun.

It is highly innovative and environmentally friendly solution to produce energy sources with very less investment. 

It helps you to stay away from any kind of power shortage issues. 

Things That You Can Discover From This Program: 

When it comes to surviving any kind of adverse situation, Backyard Revolution could be a great help. It can produce the desired amount of energy supply to the place where you are living. 

It is like your personal power plant that produces cheap green electricity by spending very less amount of cash on solar panels, 

The entire device only uses 5% of the surface area so that you can build it without wasting much space of your property.

It works as a home guard system in the blackout to protect your house from intruders. 

This device makes you feel safe and enjoy a happy life by saving considerable money from your pocket. 

The Bonuses That This Program Comes With Are-“Homestead EMP Protection Protocol”

“Energy Stockpiling Secrets”

“Homestead Alternative Energy Sources”

The Cons Of Backyard Revolution:

This program doesn’t have any kind of offline version, so without a valid internet connection, it is not possible to use this program.

 You might experience some difficulties if you don’t read the instruction part of this program without proper attention and understanding. 

Final Verdict: There’s no need to waste your hard earned money and time on useless things. Now, you have the chance to use this groundbreaking technology which works excellently to save a considerable portion of money that you spend on paying electricity bills on a regular basis. 

Click Here Now To Get Backyard Revolution

Thanks for reading 

P.S: I might receive compensation from product owners if you click any link on this website and buy a product.